National Crime Victims' Week
March 30, 2017

Mayor Mark Nexsen presents proclamation to Crystal Villarete, LHC Victims Services Specialist,  Mary Lou O’Connell, Director of Haven Family Resource Center, and Captain Doug Whittaker of LHCPD for National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, April 2-8, 2017 to reaffirm Lake Havasu City’s commitment to creating a victim service and criminal justice response that assists all victims of crime. The Lake Havasu City Attorney’s Victim Assistance Program, HAVEN Family Resource Center, and the Lake Havasu Police Department are dedicated to serving victims, building trust, and restoring hope for justice and healing. We sincerely thank those community members, victim service providers, and criminal justice professionals who are committed to improving our response to all victims of crime so that they may find relevant assistance, support, justice, and peace.

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