If you are experiencing an issue with a vacation rental that does not require the use of emergency services, such as 911, please reach out to the designated Emergency Point of Contact for the vacation rental. The Emergency Point of Contact information can be located by clicking on the link below to access the Vacation Rental Map.
The State of Arizona passed Senate Bill 1168 signed by the Governor on July 6, 2022 (see A.R.S. § 9-500.39), which changed the regulations for short-term rentals located within Arizona.
State law and City Code requires short-term property owners to register and obtain a permit for each property prior to being offered for rent, including the required acknowledgment of Lake Havasu City Code Chapter 5.20, Vacation Rentals, effective March 1, 2023.
Arizona Revised Statute, Title 42:
Arizona Revised Statute, Title 9:
Lake Havasu City has established regulations for vacation rental use of residential properties to maintain a residential feel, provide a quality lifestyle, and encourage mindfulness towards those who call Lake Havasu City home. A vacation rental is a residential property that is offered for rent for less than thirty days and requires the owners to register and permit each vacation rental property prior to being offered for rent.
To begin the registration and permitting process, you will need to have the account number and activation code issued to by MUNIRevs. Lake Havasu City has partnered with MUNIRevs to assist with the registration and permitting process. The account number and activation code are provided to you by letter or email and will include steps to create your account.
- Register your vacation rental property with the State of Arizona by applying for your Arizona Transaction Privilege Tax License (TPT).
- A Lake Havasu City Vacation Rental Permit cannot be issued without proof of your valid TPT number that you will enter on your registration form in STEP 2.
- If you already have a valid Arizona TPT, please proceed to STEP 2.
- You can find more information regarding the Arizona TPT by clicking the link below.
- If you have received a letter from Lake Havasu City through our 3rd party software MUNIRevs, please follow the detailed steps in the letter.
- Letters sent by email or US Mail to previously registered vacation rental property owners will be directed to login as an Existing User on our MUNIRevs website using their existing login credentials. Once logged into their account, vacation rental property owners are to complete the Registration Form that is found under the Open Tasks section of their Business Center.

- Letters sent by email or US Mail to newly identified vacation rental property owners that were not previously registered will be directed to register as a New User on our MUNIRevs website using the account number and activation code provided on their letter. Once the User Registration is complete, vacation rental property owners are to complete the Registration Form that is found under the Open Tasks section of their Business Center.

- If you have not received a letter by email or US Mail, please send an email to vacationrentals@lhcaz.gov with the following required information:
- Vacation rental property address
- Property owner name
- Property owner mailing address
- Property owner phone number
- Property owner email address
- You can find more information regarding the Vacation Rental Registration process, including MUNIRevs Support contact information by clicking the link below.
- After the completed registration form has been submitted, the information provided will be reviewed.
- If the information on the registration form is complete and valid, you will receive an email from vacationrentals@lhcaz.gov that will provide you will detailed information to make the payment for the Lake Havasu City Vacation Rental Permit.
- If the information on the registration form is not complete or cannot be verified to be valid, you will receive an email from vacationrentals@lhcaz.gov with the details of what needs to be updated. To update any information, you will complete an Account Information Update Form by logging in to your MUNIRevs account. Once we are able to verify the information provided on the Account Information Update Form is complete and valid, you will receive the above-mentioned email with the detailed information to make the payment for the Lake Havasu City Vacation Rental Permit.
- You can find more information regarding account information updates by clicking the link below.
- Once the payment for the Lake Havasu City Vacation Rental Permit has been made, you will be able to access your permit through your MUNIRevs account within 24 business hours by clicking on your Account Name under your Business Center.
If you are operating a vacation rental in Lake Havasu City and have received a letter with your account number and activation code, please use the link in the letter or click the link below. If you are operating a vacation rental in Lake Havasu City and have not received a letter, please send an email with your vacation rental address, owner name, and mailing address to the email address below.
Login and account access help is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. by contacting MUNIRevs
Once your registration form has been accepted, you will receive an email with the link and directions to acknowledgment the regulations of Lake Havasu City Code Chapter 5.20 Vacation Rentals and to pay for your Lake Havasu City vacation rental permit.
To update the property owner or emergency contact information, such as mailing address, phone number, email address and/or TPT license number. Please use the link below to log in to your MUNIRevs account and click on submit Account Information Update Form under the Account Information Update section. Account information changes must be submitted within 14 calendar days of the change.
If you have sold or no longer offer your property as a vacation rental, please email the following items to the email address below.
- Account number
- Vacation rental property address
- Closure date
- Reason for closure
If you have purchased an existing vacation rental property in Lake Havasu City and would like to continue offering the property as a vacation rental, please refer to the REGISTRATION section of this webpage for the steps to register the property.
Proof of a valid Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) License is required. Please use the links below to obtain TPT information and to apply for a TPT license from the Arizona Dept. of Revenue.
You can also contact the Arizona Department of Revenue Customer Care.
For tax related questions, you can also contact our Administrative Services Department.
It is the responsibility of a vacation rental property owner in Lake Havasu City to be sure they have read, understand, and agree to comply with the requirements of Lake Havasu City Code, Chapter 5.20 Vacation Rentals, which can be viewed below:
- Lake Havasu City requires all vacation rental property owners to obtain a permit. For more information, please view code section 5.20.025 PERMIT.
- The property owner of a vacation rental located in Lake Havasu City may retain an agent or representative to comply with the requirements of this chapter on their behalf. For more information, please view code 5.20.030 AGENCY
- Lake Havasu City requires each vacation rental property owner to provide emergency point of contact information to the City. For more information, please view code 5.20.040 EMERGENCY POINT OF CONTACT
- Lake Havasu City requires all vacation rental property owners to ensure their vacation rental property complies with all applicable codes regarding fire, building, health and safety, and other relevant laws. For more information, please view code 5.20.050 OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD CONDITIONS
- For information regarding penalties related to verified violations at a vacation rental property, please view code 5.20.060 VIOLATIONS
Lake Havasu City appreciates your commitment to help ensure that our neighborhoods maintain a residential feel, provide a quality lifestyle, and encourage mindfulness to those who call Lake Havasu City home.
- Trash is to be kept in the proper containers and not within public view no more than 12 hours before collection date. Please be sure tenants are aware of the trash date for your property.
- Refrain from unnecessary, excessive and offensive noise levels and comply with the day & time noise regulations.
- Do not engage in disorderly conduct.
- Avoid parking in a way that blocks a neighbor’s driveway or parking on a neighbor’s property.
For your convenience, please access the required notice that is to be displayed on the inside of the front door and the primary door to the backyard or in a conspicuous location near each door using the link below. This notice is to be print in 14-point or larger bold font on laminated or protected paper.
Unless otherwise prohibited by your Homeowner’s Association, your neighbors are likely allowed by law to engage in short-term vacation rentals.
The City does not enforce rules and regulations of Homeowner’s Associations. Please contact your Homeowner’s Association to inquire about the rules and regulations of the association.
Short-term rentals must comply with Lake Havasu City Code, Chapter 5.20 Vacation Rentals, including but not limited to; trash, noise, parking, disorderly conduct, and other nuisances that are defined in the City Code.
Lake Havasu City has established a hotline and online concern form through our 3RD party vendor, MUNIRevs to report any non-life-threatening concerns related to Vacation Rentals.
If you are experiencing an issue with a vacation rental that does not require the use of emergency services, such as 911, please reach out to the designated Emergency Point of Contact for the vacation rental.
The Emergency Point of Contact is designated by the owner and is to be available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for the purpose of responding in-person, telephonically, or by electronic mail to complaints or emergencies in a timely manner.
The owner and Emergency Point of Contact shall be responsible to ensure that:
- Occupants and guests of the vacation rental do not create unreasonable noise disturbances, engage in disorderly conduct, or violate any provisions of the city code or any state law
- Trash and refuse are not to be left stored within public view at the vacation rental, except in proper containers no more than 12 hours before collection
- Noise levels are not to exceed those described in 9.30.050 Allowable Noise Levels for residential zones to include all single, double and multiple-family residential structures or property:
- Sunday – Thursday (Week Days):
- 10:00 pm to 7:00 am 45dB(A)
- 7:00 am to 10:00 pm 55 dB(A)
- Friday – Saturday (Weekends) and Holidays:
- 12:00 am to 7:00 am 45 dB(A)
- 7:00 am to 12:00 am 65 dB(A)
*Holidays include New Year’s Day, New Year’s Eve, St. Patrick’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas
The Emergency Point of Contact information for a vacation rental can be located by clicking on the link below to access the Vacation Rental Map.
If you need to submit a complaint about a vacation rental in your area, you can submit an online form at the link below or call the hotline.
What is a short-term rental?
Any individually or collectively owned single-family or 1-4 family house or dwelling unit or any unit or group of units in a condominium cooperative, that is also a transient public lodging establishment or owner-occupied residential home offered for transient use if the accommodations are not classified for property taxation under A.R.S. § 42-12001.
What can be used as a short-term rental?
- Single-family houses
- 1-to-4-unit houses (duplexes, etc)
- Condominiums, townhouses, cooperatives or timeshares
- Individual rooms within any of the above mentioned
- Guest houses, casitas, mother-in-law quarters
Is there a fee to apply for Lake Havasu City Vacation Rental Permit?
Yes. The non-refundable annual permit fee is currently $250.00 per property.
Do I need a transaction privilege tax (TPT) license?
Yes. A Transaction Privilege Tax License is how you will remit the taxes you have collected for your vacation rentals.
How do I get a transaction privilege tax (TPT) license?
You can apply for TPT through the Arizona Department of Revenue
How long will my permit be issued for?
Permits are issued for one year from the date of issuance.
Do I have to notify my neighbors that I am renting my property as a vacation rental?
Yes. Prior to offering your property for rent, notification must be made to residential properties adjacent to, directly and diagonally across the street from the vacation rental.
Do I have to post any notices at my property?
Yes. For your convenience, please view and download the notice from the link below. You can complete the fields with your information and print out in accordance with 5.20.050(O) OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARD CONDITIONS
Am I required to put my permit number on advertising for my vacation rental?
Yes. Please view the link below for more information.
What is my occupancy limit for my vacation rental?
Occupancy limits shall be in accordance with the 2018 International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC), Section 404. See link below.
If I am renting a room or guest quarters at my home, do I need a TPT license and to complete the registration and permit process?
How will I receive my permit once it is approved?
Once approved, your permit will be available to you through your MuniRevs account.
When applying for a vacation rental permit, do I have to provide documentation that I have met the neighbor notification, evidence of liability insurance, and background screenings for sex offender requirements?
No. However, as a vacation rental property owner, it is your responsibility to comply with the requirements and to provide valid documentation upon the request of the city within 10 calendar days of the request.
Will my contact information remain confidential?
The information provided on the registration application will be made public.
For additional information, please contact Customer Service.