Over the past several weeks, detectives with the Lake Havasu City Police Department’s Special Investigations Unit, which is part of the Mohave Area General Narcotics Enforcement Team (MAGNET), have been investigating an individual selling fentanyl pills throughout the Lake Havasu City Area.
On August 29, 2023, at approximately 9:00 a.m., detectives from the Lake Havasu City Police Department’s Special Investigations Unit arrested Lake Havasu City resident Jarred Brown (28) following a search warrant at a residence within the 2100 block of Edgewood Dr. During the search warrant and subsequent investigation, detectives located approximately 115 Fentanyl pills, multiple items of drug paraphernalia, and two counterfeit $100 bills.
As a result of the investigation, Jarred Brown was charged with possession of narcotic drugs for sale, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of a forged instrument. During his initial appearance, Brown was held on a $25,000 cash bond and will later be transferred to the custody of the Mohave County Sheriff’s Office.
Public Information Officer: Sergeant Michael Terrinoni