The Lake Havasu City Clerk's Office is responsible for providing administrative and support services to the Mayor and City Council; organizing, disseminating, archiving, maintaining, storing and securing all official city records and documents in a systematic and easily accessible manner to preserve and protect the City's history; preparing City Council meeting and work session agendas; posting, publishing and recording all official actions of the City Council; maintaining the City Code of Lake Havasu City; conducting and overseeing municipal elections processes; providing support systems for those functions; performing all functions necessary to issue licenses and permits; retrieval of public documents.


The City Clerk’s Office is committed to accurately recording and preserving the actions of the legislative bodies; safeguarding vital, historic and permanent records of the City; providing information and support to the City Council, staff, and the general public in a timely, courteous and fiscally responsible manner; and administering open and free elections in accordance with statutory requirements.


Council agendas are created at an agenda setting meeting attended by the Mayor, City Manager, and City Clerk. At these meetings, the Council’s next order of business is discussed and placed on an agenda. The agenda meeting includes discussions regarding the Council’s regular meeting, work session and/or special meeting that has been scheduled during the same period of time. The City Clerk takes information, provided by the City Manager’s office, and prepares a “Council Packet”. The “Packet” contains information about each item the Council will be discussing at their meeting. “Council Packets” are distributed approximately one week prior to the Council Meeting. The “Council Packets” are also uploaded to the City’s website for the public to view.

As required by the provisions of HB2209, you can click on the link below to access Open Meeting Law materials on the Arizona Attorney General's website.


The City Clerk’s Office prepares and posts the Notice of Meetings at the three (3) required posting locations and on the City website to comply with Open Meeting Law.

Pursuant to A.R.S. 38.431.02(A)(4)(a) Notice of Meetings is posted in the following locations within Lake Havasu City:

The Northwest Arizona Employee Benefit Trust (“NAEBT”), to which Lake Havasu City is a member, posts its meeting Notices, Agendas and Minutes on the NAEBT website at the link below.


The City Clerk’s Office is responsible for processing all City ordinances and resolutions passed by the City Council. Once an ordinance and/or resolution has been passed, the City Clerk’s Office assures the documents have been signed, backup materials, if any, are attached, the ordinance has been correctly posted, copies are distributed and the ordinance(s) have been sent to the local newspaper for publication and sent to be codified into the Lake Havasu City Code online.


The City Clerk’s Office is responsible for holding city elections.


The City Clerk’s Office is responsible for the city’s permanent, historic and archived records. Information from these records is available upon request.