Lights on Afterschool Day
October 18, 2016

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey has proclaimed October 20, 2016 as Lights on Afterschool Day.  “Lights on Afterschool” is a national celebration of afterschool programs, promoting the importance of quality afterschool programs in lives of all youth, their families, and communities. 

Lake Havasu City’s After School Program is designed for children attending Kindergarten through 6th grade.  Participants enjoy group activities that are conducted in a supervised, structured manner.  The goal is to provide a safe and fun environment that will enrich each participant’s life by providing them with opportunities to explore and build self-esteem through participation in activities that build teamwork and enrich social skills.    

Participants encounter new and exciting opportunities through youth adventure camp for 3rd – 6th graders.   Youth adventure camp provides instruction on archery, kayaking and snorkeling, as well as fishing.  Additional group supervised games such as flag football, kick ball and obstacle courses are now being offered.

Another benefit of the After School Program is encouraging social skills by participation in activities such as cooperative play with fellow participants, group crafts, and conversation held within grade squads, as well as participation in field trips.  For those participants who have homework to do, there is designated homework time prior to activities that are scheduled for the day.  If a participant is struggling academically, there is now professional homework assistance offered.

The After School Program is held in the gym at Havasupai, Jamaica, Nautilus,  

Oro Grande, Smoketree and Starline Elementary Schools.  Registration is open to all students enrolled in Kindergarten through 6th grade, including homeschool, private and charter school students.  For additional information on the program, contact the Aquatic Center at 453-8686. 

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