Lake Havasu City’s sole raw water source is from the Colorado River Aquifer through a series of groundwater wells hydraulically connected to the Colorado River. All drinking water is diverted from the wells, primarily from the City’s horizontal collector well, and pumped through a water treatment facility capable of removing arsenic, manganese and iron. The water is also subjected to ultraviolet radiation and chlorine disinfection to destroy microorganisms at the water treatment facility. A compliance schedule monitoring specific elements, compounds and biologic components is in place through Arizona Department of Environmental Quality regulations.


Several entities conduct water quality monitoring programs on the Lower Colorado River. The major regional water provider agencies, Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA), Metropolitan Water District (MWD) and the Central Arizona Project (CAP) collect water samples for chemistry, physical parameters and biological activity. SNWA is most focused on Lake Mead and Lake Mohave, and they work closely with the National Park Service.

MWD and CAP collect samples on Lake Havasu near their diversion points. MWD also extends its monitoring up river to near Topock. The Bureau of Reclamation, Chemehuevi Tribe and Arizona Department of Environmental Quality also have established monitoring programs on Lake Havasu. The Colorado River Indian Tribe south of Parker, Arizona monitors the stretch of river that flows through their reservation. Much of the information collected is accessible in the water quality database hosted by SNWA. To access this database, you will need contact SNWA. Click the link below to be taken to their webpage in which you can request access to the database.